News : Goldie Shocked

For  the first time , we have seen a real sad face exiting the Big Brother House. We can’t say that all the Housemates who left the House previously were happy with it but we can say that at least they tried to cover their sadness with plastic smiles.
However, this evening things have changed was  Nigeria completely getting out of the game. Goldie could not fight her emotions after realising that her struggle for the US$300,000 has come to an end.
Goldie was speechless even her last words  could not be heard during her interview on the live show. Though IK tried to comfort her  that she has been an amazing woman in the House, his words were not enough  and
she needed something more than that and that was nothing else apart from Africa keeping her in the game.
To add an insult to an injury, IK showed an emotional, disappointed and sad Goldie the video clip of nominations in the Diary Room. While crying Goldie couldn’t believe that of the two votes that took her to the chopping block, Keitta‘s was inclusive.
An angry  Goldie showed how disappointed she was to see that Keitta the person she was caring for put her up for possible eviction. ” Oh my God, I have been cooking for Keitta, looking after him but he nominated me?” Goldie said while crying live on stage.
It looked like she expected that Africa to forsake her would be the last thing she was to experience.


  1. jah.. she was getting too comfortable in the house.. she must leave already.. hope she is already on the plane back to Nigeria with her fake lashes, face, hair, boobs and BUTTS!!!


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