One Guarantee To Great Wealth; The Power of Goal-Setting

The main reason people don’t get what they want, is because they don’t KNOW what they want!    CLARITY IS POWER!

If you want to be rich, or achieve success in any area, you need to be very clear on EXACTLY what it is that you want. Your brain is a supercomputer that will bring you whatever you ask. 

A command like “I want to be rich” is too vague. Try instead “I want to earn $10,000 a month by June 20XX and enjoy the process.”

Or, “I want to accumulate $1 million in assets, by 20XX”; ”I want to earn $3000 a month in passive income and be COMPLETELY debt-free by X.”

Goals work because thoughts are things. Everything you see around you was first created in someone’s imagination. Whatever we imagine and focus on we move towards, and then create and manifest.

Also, you are acknowledging to both your conscious & subconscious mind that where you are right now is not where you want to be. Part of what motivates human action is a sense of dissatisfaction. Without a certain amount of pressure, there is no motivation. Dissatisfaction can be a tool to achieve your goals.

Why are goals so important?

Because with goals we create and shape our lives, and ultimately our destiny. Create something compelling enough to move you forward!

A compelling goal can make you jump out of bed every day with amazing drive and energy!

The power of goals is simply miraculous. It’s phenomenal and awesome. This was never better demonstrated than in the 1953 experiment conducted at Yale. It was established that upon graduating, only 3% of the students had written goals.  

Twenty years later it transpired that the 3% of students with clearly defined goals were happier, more well-adjusted… and worth more than the other 97% put together! 

The other 97% of students failed to realise their full potential by being unclear on their goals.

The power of writing down your goals is simply extraordinary. Quite simply, THEY WORK. If you write down your goals on a piece of paper, then carry them around with you or stick your goals all around your house, car, and office so that you see them frequently, YOUR SUCCESS IS PRACTICALLY ASSURED.

Know what you want. Know your outcome. Clarity is POWER!
Your brain is constantly screening out and deleting 99.9% of everything you perceive. You would go crazy with ‘information overload’ if it didn’t!
Your Reticular Activating System (RAS) will bring to your attention that 0.01% that your brain feels is important.

The way you can get your RAS to work for you in an empowering way… is by setting GOALS.
When you write down a goal, you are in fact sending a clear order to your brain (and your RAS) that THIS IS IMPORTANT, THIS IS WHAT I WANT, NOW GET IT FOR ME! 

You’ll then need to review your goals daily. Stick them in your diary, on your fridge, in your car, on your computer, next to your bed, laminate it and stick it in the shower! 
Remember: Whatever you focus on consistently you will get or become!

OK, now grab a pen and some paper, and start answering the questions below.

• If you had 100 million dollars in the bank and absolutely no limitations whatsoever, what would you be doing right now? Imagine that you were granted 1 wish – what would you dare to dream, if you knew you could not fail?

• What kind of work would you truly enjoy and be passionate about? Are you currently doing the type of work you love to do? If not, what has stopped you so far from pursuing it? Do you plan to continue allowing that to stop you? If not, what could you do to change that?

• If you had no limitations, where would you want to travel? What would you want to experience?

• What do you want to achieve financially? Do you want to earn $1 million? $100 million? Do you want to earn $10,000 a month? Do you want to eliminate all your debts? Do you have investment goals or savings targets for the next year, 5 years, 10 years, etc? 

• What would you like buy?  What toys, gadgets, or general items you’ve always wanted?

• What would you like to contribute to the world? 

• What would you like to create?

• What would your dream house look like? What would be in it?

Once you have done this, you set your brain in motion to work out how to achieve these goals.

Tomorrow we shall take this further.

I hope Karen and Wendall are reading this! Just kidding.

To your success


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