Big Brother Africa Amplified Co-winner: I Miss Having My Real Boobs

Kareen Igho, co-winner of the Big Brother Africa Amplified pan-African contest, has explained why she has artificial breasts. “People are quick to judge you. People just think I got the boobs just because I wanted to. But I’m sitting here and still wishing I had my real boobs.

I miss having my real boobs. I got these implants at a very young age.

There was a reason for it. I had lumps. I had to take the lumps out. The doctor told me the lumps might come back again. I had to ask him what we should do. I asked him if the lumps would come back if I put silicone.

And my breast had become flatter after they removed the lumps. I think he said it would remove the risk and I would have my nice breast back again. So I decided to put the silicone. I did this without telling my mother….My mother was going through her marital problems.

My sister who was just 18 had the same issue. She had lumps as well.

I didn’t tell my mum until I told the whole world on TV,” she was quoted by news2onlinenigeria.


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