Big Brother Amplified Proves That Africa Is Not Inherently Racist

While South Africa might be going through one of its worst periods of polarisation in its post-apartheid history the people of Africa have done us proud.

Big Brother Amplified is all the proof that you’ll ever need to demonstrate that in general when Africa supported the end of apartheid it was not to bring in black racism but rather to see that equality for all is realised.

In what I can only describe as the most refreshing recent development on the planet – in a free and fair poll if I may use the term to describe the voting as such – the single white competitor has been backed by entire African countries to continue on the show.

In order to be “saved” BBA asks individual countries to vote for the eviction of competitors. When they tally votes it is how many countries voted for contestants not individuals.

This means that African countries, with overwhelmingly black populations, are voting for a white participant from Zimbabwe.

That Africans – when left to their own devices – are genuinely non-racist.

In Norway we have witnessed a right wing lunatic killing people simply to demonstrate that Muslims are no longer acceptable in his country while almost every day Islamic extremists are blowing up people who don’t conform to their beliefs.

Against that backdrop in an “election” where politicians aren’t involved Africa comes out and shows its true colours and they are of the rainbow.

It is time that South Africa joins the bulk of African countries in looking at individuals rather than race as the basis for making judgements and decisions.

The fact that the oldest liberation movement – the African National Congress – and world icon Nelson Mandela find their home here makes xenophobia and racist garbage all the more inexplicable and totally unacceptable.

Africa you are doing us proud – South Africans start learning from the rest of Africa.

Uncle Bob excluded I’m afraid.


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