Classy, vivacious Weza on her BBA experience

To some, she was the most intelligent of this year’s Big Brother Amplified bunch – good looks, brains and an attitude to conquer. To others, she was simply the one you loved to hate. Just ask Luclay! And his fans for that matter. Unfortunately, Weza’s shine was not enough to see her through to the BBA finale: She was evicted alongside Ghana’s Alex and Botswana’s Miss P on Sunday. She speaks about her BBA experience.

How does it feel to be out of the house? Weza: It’s still a bit surreal. I’m slowly getting used to not wearing a microphone and having cameras following my every move. I’m basically trying to slowly fall back into reality.

How would you sum up your BBA experience? Weza: I loved it. It was a once in a lifetime experience. It was something I thought was crazy and would never do, but at the same time I’m glad I got the chance to do. I’m glad to say I made the best of it. I absolutely loved it. Since being out, have you heard or seen anything related to other housemates that’s shocked you? Weza: Yes, and I’m trying to block myself off from all of that. Now that I’m out of the game, my focus is going to go into my life from here on. If I concentrate on what was said, done or what the housemates are currently doing, I’m going to fall back onto that and I don’t want to do that. I don’t care what people say or think about me. I’m not in the house anymore and so from here on, my focus is on my life.

Can you fill us in on the ‘witch’ saga? How did that come about?
Weza: I have no idea. You know there are too many versions to that story and I’m not going to certify it. My manager told me about it and that is what I kept telling Felicia that I did not make that statement. I also told her that if it was said, by whoever, there would be footage to prove it once we were out of the house. Perhaps it was a strategy by someone who wanted to discredit me. But I can say this with certainty that I did not make such a statement. While you said you and Luclay are just friends, you didn’t seem to know what to say about Alex? Any clarity on that?

Weza: Alex and I are also just good friends. Alex and I get along well and we had fun together and that’s what happened. Don’t forget that this was a game. I mean people do what it takes to survive.
Have you chatted with Miss P and Alex since Sunday night?
Weza: Yes, we were actually in the same hotel and we did most of our interviews together at the same time. We’re really having a ball and we’re getting along very well. I know that people thought that Miss P and I would not get along after the arguments in the house but we are having a ball and we are enjoying each other’s company.

Which housemates are you likely to continue having contact with?
Weza: Definitely Alex, Miss P, Karen, Hanni and Luclay.
Since you’ve been out the house have you found that there are any major misconceptions about you?
Weza: Yes, a lot actually. But then again, that’s what happens with reality shows. I mean the focus was not on Weza 24/7, you only got to see bits here and there. I went into the game expecting that.

Who was/is your favourite housemate?
Weza: Karen. I think that I love Karen for the same reasons Africa loves her – she’s real and unapologetically gangster. She will tell you what she feels but at the same time she’s also sensitive. You know she had a very rough upbringing but that does not deter her from speaking her mind. I respect and admire her. I really like her.

Who is your least favourite housemate?
Weza: There are no least favourite people, but yes, there are people I didn’t get along with or perhaps didn’t get to know very well. For example Millicent; there’s always been pressure between us, and then Lomwe, who I think I didn’t get to know very well. In the house, one really doesn’t have enough time to get along with everyone. You kind of just tend to lean towards the people you get along with most and that’s that.

Do you find that some women don’t like you just because you have shine?
Weza: We all know that it’s normal for people who get that much attention to have lovers and haters. A lot of people like the fact that I was loud and in your face, but there are those who would not appreciate that. And you will find that it’s not only with women but men as well.

What lies ahead for you?
Weza: A lot lies ahead. I have a lot of projects waiting for me. My manager was working on opportunities for me while in the house, and she tells me I came out of the house with a lot of offers. What’s next is that I need to sit down with my manager and separate the viable projects from the non-viable ones. This is not the end of Weza at all. You can definitely expect more from me.


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