Weza Behind Tensions

Tensions caused by Hanni's broken avatar continued throughout Tuesday night in the Heads House. Ladies gathered in the lounge and discussed the decision to take away the ball that broke Hanni's gnome avatar.

Millicent said she was feeling guilty for having accidentally broken the avatar with the ball and the boys had to suffer for it. Hanni didn't think Millicent was being genuine in her wanting the ball back, just so the boys can have something to play with and said the boys would speak for themselves if they wanted the ball back.

Weza kept fuelling the fire with her insinuations that the boys can find other ways to entertain themselves, besides playing with the ball.

In a way of a vote, the girls had earlier unanimously decided that the ball would be taken away before it caused more harm, but Millicent thought it wasn't wise to bar Headsmates from playing with the ball and wanted the decision overturned. Her efforts were met with stern opposition from Hanni, while Weza was the silent voice behind Hanni's words.

Millicent and Hanni exchanged verbal blows, with Millicent suggesting that someone else influenced Hanni's decision while she insisted she acted unilaterally.

Earlier, on Tuesday afternoon, Wendall called Weza the main instigator of the whole animosity by spreading rumours about her fellow Housemates and watching them fight.

Stay tuned to DStv Channel 198 or Big Brother website to see if the rest of the Headsmates wise up to Weza's ways or if she will succeed in dividing them without anyone noticing.


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