Serious Hygiene Matters in the House

When more than five people from different walks of life are put in one House for 90 days, there's bound to be tension--especially in terms of hygiene.

The hygiene issue is already getting to Headsmates and Vina couldn't help herself in the morning as she addressed the issue head on.

She complained about how the guys just piss all over the toilet without any care of who would follow them. The Nigerian diva also expressed how annoying it was for someone to just use the toilet with the door open.

Zeus concurred, adding that the hair issue was becoming a nightmare.
With so many weaves in the House, there's no doubt that this has become a huge problem. Way after Lotus left, who had been complaining about them since day 1, the problem still persisted.

Vina, who sports a natural Mohawk haircut, had a leg to stand on. She went to town about how the girls had to care for their weaves. From the bathroom to the bedroom, she requested that they learn to clean after themselves.

The issue of hygiene in Heads has been an ongoing one and Confidence has even stopped complaining about it at every Chat Room session. Confidence was always complaining about how the 'kids' just fail to follow simple cleanliness rules.
As Head of House, Vimbai decided to address the matter formally just before the Headsmates started working on their Task and hopefully things will change.

It remains to be seen if any of this serious talk made any sense to the Housemates or they just took it as just one of those things?

Hair-raising issue!


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