News: Lotus Live on Facebook

Yesterday disqualified Housemate Lotus took some time out to chat to some of Big Brother Amplified’s fans on Facebook.

Charlotte Tobi Futha wanted to know why Lotus hadn’t slapped Karen too when they were having an argument and Lotus replied, “When I told her to stop, she stopped.” Percyginia Tebatso Kock was curious about what would happen if Lotus were to see Luclay again and he was told that the two Housemates would probably chat and laugh about it.

Evidence Makgabo probed Lotus further – but about Nkuli. She needed to know whether the former Housemate had been happy on Sunday when Nkuli was evicted; this was due to all the bad comments she had made about Lotus. A surprised Lotus told her she was unaware of the comments.

On a lighter note, Agbobu Kelly and Ankunda Isaac asked her to fill them in on her best moment in the House and she spoke of Danny’s arrival into the Tails House on Day seven. This also answered Heather Charters Fourie’s question on how much Lotus really liked Danny.

Concerned South African fan, Mahlape Shero Mohale needed clarity on why Lotus did not consider South Africa as African and Lotus set the record straight about her statement by saying: I do feel South Africa is very advanced compared to other African countries and that’s just my opinion. Also I’ve only seen the city here and I don’t think I’ve been exposed to enough of Africa yet – opinions change all the time!

Farewell Lotus! Avid lovers of BBA 6 have shown that you will definitely be missed.
Make friends with other fans! Check out the Big Brother Africa page on Facebook and Like it.


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