Breaking News: LoNdell Punished!

After being caught whispering about Nominations late last night, Big Brother came down hard on the Wendall and Lomwe duo.

Big blue oversized clown are not anyone’s cup of tea.
However, Wendall and Lomwe have no choice but to wear them at all times, until Monday, after whispering about Evictions last night.

The two are to be joined together at the hip at all times as per Biggies instructions even when the boys go to bed. When the two heard what their punishment would be and current Head of House Vimbai showed them the clown pants they have to wear, the boys were stunned, but dutifully climbed into their pants.

There was laughter all round when the two attempted to walk while joined at the hip. However, it would seem Biggie punishment scared the Headsmates just a tad.

The other Housemates seemed curious to know what Wendall and Lomwe said exactly, but the two seemed too preoccupied with trying to walk in their pants. Vimbai then suggested everyone stop talking about Nominations and Evictions, to prevent further trouble. “What if we’re disqualified guys. We need to stop,” she said.


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