The Girls of Big Brother Amplified

Big Brother Season Six is on and this time around dubbed bigger, louder and powerful but from what we have seen so far, the game simply has more female housemates than the male housemates and to us that is the only amplified aspect.

The house has twenty six housemates of which 16 are female housemates and the male housemates have been reduced to 9 after Jossy Joss was evicted last Sunday.

Bernadina-Namibia: If you recall Tatiana, I’m sure the selection committee was having that in mind so they brought Bernadina on board who so far is left alone after losing Jossy Joss last Sunday, but we have not yet seen her game.

Bhoke – Tanzania: Doing so well to the extent that her country and Uganda will do anything to save her just because they are very close with Ernest from Uganda. Her conversations with Ernest, the moves in the Jaccuzi have already won so many hearts that can empty their accounts just to vote for her to remain in the house.

Confidence – Ghana: Amplified in her way. The oldest in the house, silicon boobs and an entertainer, though last week she survived being evicted because all the three female housemates (Vimbai, Weza and Vina) she was up with beat her in terms of votes and for the male housemates (Danny and Joss), it was a tie of one vote each but beat them on percentage and that is how she went back to the house.

Felicia-Malawi: Amplified via talking and competing with Milicent for Wendall’s dongle, short of that, her profile is still growing.

Hanni-Ethiopia: Beautiful, well composed, good complexion, hooked up with Lowme and carefully playing the game.

Kim – Zambia: I don’t know whether this is to do with the country and it’s norms because anyway both galz from Zambia have been very reserved, quiet and keeping in the background. Kim has however come out of the shell by hooking up Kenya’s Nic and they have kissed on several occasions as though their lives depend on that.

Mumba-Zambia: Just like her fellow colleague from Zambia who has kind of opened up, Mumba is still failing to open up and she has been trying to say a few words but it is not easy to tag a topic to her now that she keeps in the background.

Millicent -Kenya: She has for the last two weeks promised to be a first lady just because one President put his details in the news paper that he was searching so since then she has been crying out loud on telly for this President to take not of that and may be her dream will come true. She has a nice body and also knows how to shake her body, so in the planned lingerie party for Friday, these will be the babes to look out for.

Nkuli – South Africa: Now this one has hooked up and with fellow country mate and that is her biggest role in the game so far. No air tickets or visas will be required when it comes to checking on Luclay. She is up for eviction together with her man from South Africa, Luclay.

Karen-Nigeria: Nigeria has taken the trophy twice but with this year’s selection, there is no way the silicon boob babe, with a voice deeper than biggie coupled with that ‘organic’ accent will even make it to the top ten. She has proposed to fellow housemates that next Friday is a lingerie party. Good idea but Africa is waiting for you Karen.

Lotus-Tanzania: Now this one anyway you must have seen the ring right by her nose and may be the fake hairstyle and sleeping with Danny. She also cried after exchanging with Karen. She only needs one glass of Amarula and she will start jumping all over the house. They are all in the house for the money but her nominating fellow housemate, Bhoke leaves alot lot to be desired.

Peo – Botswana : Now this light skinned beauty has the hottest booty in the house and that is just how amplified  Peo is. She is at times called Miss P. She was this week’s HoH and when it came to exercising her rights, she saved Karen and replaced her with Mumba who now has two days in the house because she will be packing her bags come this Sunday.

Sharon-Uganda: Some have said that if this was a beauty contest, then Sharon would be in the right place. She is an authority when it comes to the catwalk but been quiet all through except for a few instances when Michael was vibing her.

The last time she talked, the topic was of her and her hubby Mulindwa having a three some, which some analysts have rubbished. They say she did that to try and convince Africa into her winning the money but she might have to think of something else because that threesome bit did not sell.

Vina – Nigeria: Her only effort in the game is her hair style and playing the referee role in the Millicent Felicia battle for Wendall the pilot.

Vimbai-Zimbabwe: The model from Zimbabwe cried on learning that it was her they had swapped in the place for Karen so when Biggie told her to pack her bags, tears just rolled. She has however made headlines by assuring the old mama in the house that she is tens years older than all of them so should lead the example.

Weza- Angola: She has just survived being evicted from the house last Sunday because she was up for eviction with five other housemates but in the end she had 4 votes, Vimbai and Vina got three votes while Confidence got only 1 vote.


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