The Ladies’ Man

There’s a stud in Big Brother Amplified and the girls want him to come out and play with them but he’s too slippery. The man of the moment in Amplified is none other than Ghana’s Alex.

Just like Coca-cola, he is tall, dark and handsome and oozes sex appeal plus he’s managed to drive not one, not two but four girls crazy in the game.

Millicent didn’t waste time as she shared a passionate kiss with him in full view of their fellow Housemates during a booze-fuelled game of ‘Never Ever’ on the first day.

With booze flowing freely, Millicent decided it was her chance to kiss Ghana’s Alex in particular and she made her move.

It would seem that would be all Millicent would get out of that kiss, as Alex was later whisked to Tails while she remained in Heads.

A few weeks into the game, Vimbai made a confession that she had the meanest crush on Alex.
This was during a game of Truth or Dare in the Heads House in week 3. Vimbai was dared to reveal her crush.

Coincidentally, Alex and Ernest had had a discussion earlier on the same day where they said that all the hot girls were in the Heads House and how they wished to one day be reunited with them.

As if that was not enough, Weza seems to have joined the bandwagon as well as she admitted to wishing for some more time with Alex so she could explore his potential.

This was shortly before the Nominations Show today.

“I’d love a new Housemate in the House, maybe Alex. I feel like I totally missed out on the good stuff,” she told the other girls as they spoke about how bored their House was getting.

Well, the lucky one thus far is Miss P who at least lives with the man

In a bid to secure her territory, Miss P has been treating the soft spoken Ghanaian hunk to a blissful life in Tails.

The two enjoy late night chats and Ping-Pong games and since the Eviction of Nkuli, leaving and equal number of guys and girls in Tails, Miss P has referred to their life as a couples retreat.

Though Alex has been giving Miss P some attention, he hasn’t committed anything to her and he and Ernest were clear that Weza was the one that tickles their fancy.

With such Amplified love for Alex, the Ghanaian Housemate had better make up his mind before Africa witnesses some catfights. However, he still has his boys who insist on ‘Bad man status’.

However, who does Africa think suits Alex best between Millicent, Weza, Vimbai and Miss P?


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