Nominations: Vimbai Saves Hanni

Head of House Vimbai saved Hanni’s skin from possible Eviction and replaced her with Michael.

Hanni had the most Nominations with five, including that of her ex ‘beau’ Lomwe, who said he didn’t trust her anymore.

Sharon had four Nominations while Bernadina, Confidence and Vina had three Nominations each.

During the Nominations Show, Bernadina and Sharon O seemed to be the most shocked at hearing their names while Hanni maintained her cool.

Vina and Confidence took it easy and perhaps the calmness could be attributed to their experience on the chopping board as this would be their second Nomination.

It was no surprise that Vimbai put up Michael for possible Eviction because she had been in her actual Nomination list.

Vimbai had told Big Brother she was nominating Michael because he wasn’t joking when he said the Zimbabwean Housemates were sent by the government.

For Confidence, the Nomination was like an honour. “They are threatened by us West Africans,” Confidence said, referring to herself and Vina.

Meanwhile, Vimbai dashed to the bathroom to have some me-time after her save-and-replace session with Big Brother and Felicia and Wendall were there for her.

Millicent didn’t waste time and silently started packing her clothes immediately.

Was this because Millicent already knew that Vimbai had a crush on Alex, who she had kissed and thought she could have put her up?

It’s not easy!


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