$200,000 BBA Prize Money- What is it really worth?

The Big Brother Amplified has been going on now for about 3 weeks plus. 26 able bodied men and women are in the house fighting to win the crown. This crown is worth a whooping $200,000. That is a lot of money.

A question is on my mind, what is this amount of money really worth? How many orphans can it change their lives? How many hungry people can it feed? How many homeless people can get a house of their own with that amount of money? How many schools can be built with that money? How many hospitals can get drug supplies to treat the sick?

My imagination is running wild. I was just thinking aloud.

Ok. Let us look at it another way. Perhaps we can consider it in terms of business which is my passion. What business can that amount of money start? How big a business can it start? How many people can be employed in a business that the money can start? How many people can feed their families from the proceeds of that business?

I know these questions may not make meaning to a lot of people. We may have been carried away by the euphoria of this TV show. The show must go on; the prize money must be won by one of the housemates. My wish is let the best housemate win.

When the prize money is won, what will the winner do with his spoil of war? Will he set up an NGO to help the people? Will he use it to fight societal ill? Will he help in fighting environmental problems? Will he set up a business and employ people who will in turn feed their families? What will he really do with the money?

Do you know? Maybe nobody knows. 

The housemates talked about what they will use the money for if they win. We will talk about that later.

Enjoy your day


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