Task: Worm Pizza For Breakfast

After spending the whole morning without food, worm-infested pizza was served for breakfast in the garden and Wendall won the challenge for Heads while Danny nailed it in Tails.

Karen and Luclay also came very close to winning it as they dined with ease, downing the pizza with their coke.

Sharon O was immediately disqualified after she tried removing the worms.
Meanwhile, Wendall, Lomwe and Vimbai dug in like they were in a restaurant.

Weza, Miss P and Kim could hardly try and eat but with the persistence of the other Tails mates, they sacrificed a bite or two.

Here are some of the quotes from the Task:

Zeus – this is the nastiest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life.
Felicia – Guys let’s eat for the 100 percent.
Vina – We eat things like this at home. They are even bigger.
Felicia – Wendall what’s the secret?
Weza – I could do them dead. Guys, they are alive!
Bernadina – Most of them on top are dead
Kim – I can’t do this, guys. I’m sorry!
Alex – Bravery! That’s all!
Miss P – I’m sorry, I can’t even try.

With a 100 percent wager for Heads and 75 percent for Tails, what are the chances of winning the Shock and Horror Task?


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