Head of House: Nic and Vina Triumph!

Vina and Nic beat their fellow Housemates with top marks in the Multiple Choice Quiz.

After an intense 20 minutes of brain-flexing, the nervous Housemates waited patiently for the results of the Head of House quiz. This particular HoH task was evidently a bigger deal than normal for the Headsmates, who were all vying for the spot so as to have immunity this Nominations week. Vina in particular seemed panicked at the thought of not getting the HoH nod. She paced frantically and tried to re-hash some of the questions she might have slipped up on. Her fellow Housemates tried to pacify, to no avail.

When she was finally revealed as the winner, there was a evident relief on her face. Hanni quickly ran up to her and hugged her. Nic, who becomes HoH for the second time this season, took it all in his stride and was cool as a cucumber when the announcement was made.

How the Housemates scored, out of 30:

Heads Top 3
-Vina (24)
-Vimbai (23)
-Zeus (21)

Bottom 2
-Sharon O (15)
-Felicia (14)

Tails Top 3
-Nic (23)
-Bernadina and Kim (22)
Bottom 2

-Luclay (Nine)
-Alex (Eight)


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