Big Brother is big business, do you know?

I laughed because they were not seeing beyond the show. They are only aware that BBA is a TV show. They are not even aware where the sponsorship money is coming from. They see the organizers as people who do not know what to do with their money. What is called in local parlance in Nigeria as “money miss road”.
Do you think the scenario above is correct? I don’t think so too.
BBA is big business. It involves a lot of money to stage the show. What people do not know is that shows of this magnitude attract a lot of fund from corporate sponsors. Many of them run head over heels to get the sole sponsor slot. Those who miss out in the big deal settle for other deals.
Why should the sponsor fight for these slots? They want everyone in Africa to see their brand. That is big advertisement for them and an increased share of voice.
Last year it was Bayer, this year it is Coca-cola.
Big Brother is big business to the organizers, is it big business to you the viewer?
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