Feature: Girls Aim At Boys

In the Tails House, Karen managed to get all the girls behind her to force out guys and ensure a female winner. On Saturday night she gathered them in the bedroom and asked to stop selling themselves short.

On Monday morning, during Nominations, we saw the first fruit of her plan play out in the Chat Room as all the girls nominated guys. Kim even turned her back at her association with Nic and nominated him for possible Eviction on Sunday (18 June).

Karen opened Kim’s eyes by saying Nic is only playing romantic just to get votes; she said he put together their beds and shared it with Kim when it is a week for Nominations, but separates them on a week when Tailsmates are not nominating.

Mumba did not need much convincing as she went for Luclay and Danny. Her reasons for nominating Luclay are pretty obvious as the two had a massive spat on Saturday over a scratch Luclay sustained.

During her Chat session Mumba told Brother that all the girls were on the same page in terms of nominating the guys, but they did not trust Miss P, because she has a major crush on Alex and she may end up revealing their plans to him. For now, Miss P is playing ball; she also nominated Luclay and Danny. Just a day in the Tails House and Weza is also joining in on the girls’ plan.

We Don’t Trust Miss P


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