News: Miss P is Worried

While the nominated Tails mates got a hair treat on Saturday morning in preparation for their spotlight during the Eviction Show on Sunday, Miss P and Weza had a heart-to heart about their ‘love’ interests.

Miss P told Weza that she actually wasn’t sure of how she’d react if Millicent, who kissed Alex in Week 1, would join Tails.

Weza said she was worried about how Alex would actually deal with the situation of having two of ‘his’ women in one House.

However, the girls decided to leave it all to fate.

Meanwhile, Nic, Luclay, Kim, Danny and Alex had their hair spruced up. Alex as Head of House and a nominated Housemate also did his hair to mask the fact that he had actually saved himself and put Karen up for possible Eviction.

The other Housemates just watched in envy as their peers were being pampered but perhaps silently grateful that they were not in their position.

However, none of them has an idea who Alex put up in his stead.

Well, who does Africa think Alex would choose between Millicent and Miss P?


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