Party: Tails Go Crazy!

The Tailsmates went crazy when Nigeria’s DJ Caise made his appearance at the ‘Fire and Ice’ party.

Big Brother also surprised the Housemates with a cockatil bar, where they helped themselves to all kinds of colorful beverages. Its no surprise then that at the end of the party about an hour later, the Housemates were super sloshed.

Karen and Mumba quickly familiarised themselves with each others bodies and hopped ontop of each other
and started grinding on the floor.

Bhoke wasted no time grinding seductively on Ernest, while Kim got it on with Nic. When the party was shut down, the Housemates protested and refused to go back indoors. Head of House Nic was called to the Chat Room and asked to herd the gang inside.

Kim, who was holding on to the deejay for dear life had to literally be dragged away by Nic. The gang did not want to listen Luclay and Alex went beserk when their favorite song was played.

They shouted the lyrics like mad men and then loudly addressed all the “fake people in the House”.


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