Live Show: Confidence Sent Packing!

Ghana’s Confidence was sent packing tonight after six weeks in the game. Angola’s Weza was herded off to Tails land.

You could cut the tension with a knife when IK called out Millicent, Zeus and Weza’s names. The three were asked to stand so that they could know their fate. When Millicent was told she had been saved, the Kenyan could not believe her ears. She crumbled into a heap and almost burst into tears. “Thank you Africa for saving me,” she cried.

Zeus had pretty much resigned himself to leaving, but when he was told he was going nowhere, the Tswana rapper broke into a huge smile. Weza seemed pretty calm and when she was told she had 60 seconds to leave the House and gave the Headsmates hugs. She spent her final walk telling a distraught Hanni to “calm down and keep it together”.

Weza mounted the stage and was then sent to the Tails House. When it was finally revealed that it was the end of the road for her, Confidence was as dramatic as they come. She refused to even hug some of her soon to be ex-Housemates but changed her mind when she got to the door.

“Finally, I’m free from all you people! I’m going to have some champagne,” she said before she disappeared.
When she was shown who had Nominated her, she was particularly taken aback at the Nomination from Vimbai.


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