HOH And Other Five On Block!

Nominations, nominations , nominations,… Every Monday in the Big Brother House are the heart boxing nominations and so was today.
This morning, Housemates usual were to nominate two of their fellow Housemates up for this week’s possible eviction and so did they. Revealing the nominees in alphabetical order, from the Ruby house, Biggie mentioned Elikem,Natasha and Pokello. For the save and replace decisin, Oneal as the current Ruby HOH decided to save Elikem and replaced him with his countrymate Selly. Therefore Natasha,Selly and Pokello are the final Rubies on the chopping block.
From the Diamond House, the initial nominees were Annabel, Cleo  and Melvin. As the Diamond HOH, for the save and replace decision Melvin shocked Africa when he decided to keep the  nominations the way it is.. He’s playing Mr.Nice. Anyway, the final Diamond nominees are Annabel, Cleo and Melvin himself.
Nominations regulars Pokello and Natasha as expected could not miss on Nominations list . These two are following Bolt’s footsteps of being nominated every week. But unlike the ousted Seirra Leonean ,the two ladies have  proven to be  strong contenders; every time they  have  been up for Eviction, Africa has shown her lots of love. But will their luck finally run out this week?

Zambia’s Cleo on  the other has been the number one target for the Diamonds as she only missed three nominations to sum up to the total number of housemates in the house. If thins don’t go well for the young Zambian rapper, we might see her following her boy Hakeem who got booted out yesterday.
Selly has found herself facing the Eviction dagger once again  after a long time courtesy of Oneal who chose to save  her Ghana man and replace her in his stead. with the Zimbabwean during an emotional ‘Save and Replace’ Diary session.
At the end of it all, this week’s final nominees are Annabel, Cleo, Melvin, Natasha, Selly and Pokello.
Vote now to keep your favorite Housemates in the chase.


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