Game On: Sulu Wins HOH, Selly’s Gets Closer

Earlier this morning they were not that close as those days back but what took us aback was how close Selly got to Sulu after he won the next week’s HOH title in just seconds. Sulu this morning was crowned the Ruby’s next HOH for his first term.
As everyone is looking for means of surviving the evictions, getting close to the Head of House is another smart way of securing someone’s seat and Selly is now on the move. The Ghanaian sexy is believed to be one of the real game players and if not watched, her strategy might book her a place in the grand finale where she stands a good chance to win the Moola.
This is not the first time Selly has applied the move-The first one was during the week she was swapped to the Diamond house. It was after learning that Nando had won the HOH in the house earlier that Friday that she asked Annabel to swap take her to meet Nando in the Diamond house.
Earlier this week on Monday Sulu nominated his friend Natasha with a statement” no sisterhood any more”, we wonder if Selly will be safe should the save and replace moment roll in for Sulu to make.
What do you think of the Sulu and Selly game plan?
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