Breaking News: Fake Chasemates Booted Out

endThe fake Emeralds’ Chase comes to a halt tonight and boy did they shake things up in the House!
Their mission was to blend in with the Chasemates without being caught out for actually being Biggie’s moles. It looks like they managed to pull that one off by the skin of their teeth as some doubting-Thomases like Annabel proved to be hard to convince.
Cracking Pokello and Elikem’s bond was not as easy as it looked when Eveva was sitting on her couch back home, and the Zim diva left before Eveva could pounce on her man. Even in Pokello’s absence, the Zambian massage therapist didn’t really make her move but threw in a much needed foot massage. In fact, she said in her Diary Session, that she doesn’t like Elikem anymore. She said she’s lost interest in the Ghanaian stud. Of late, Beverly’s Angelo was in Eveva’s firing line – that was a brave move and it looks like Angelo liked it. Mhmm! Perhaps Eveva could spend more time in the House?
Busi’s plans were also put to an abrupt stop when she realised that Pokello wasn’t the monster she had made her out to be. “She’s actually a nice person, it’s just that people misunderstand her,” the South African beauty was heard confessing. Well, what Busi certainly did was change three times a day. Oh girl! You did that right by filling the big shoes Pokello left behind. Oh hail the ‘king’ of swag!
The smooth Jazz kept her eye on the prize and her acting is on point. When will she be hitting our screens again? The way she changes accents at the snap of a finger is absolutely classic. Well, a minor facial scrub issue with Busi almost cost her her cool but she quickly pulled herself together. The way Alusa was ready to see weaves fly!
Africa did not anticipate the troublemaker Alusa. He has managed to ruffle feathers and make his presence known in just a few days. Alusa’s interaction with Annabel last nightreduced her to tears, whilst managing to have Sulu confide in him. Though a bit on the overzealous side at times, his behaviour and character helped buy him trust from the likes of Elikem, Oneal, Nando and Angelo.
The sneakiest of them all will have to be JJ. How did he pull that Dillish move? Guys likeNando have been tiptoeing around the idea of approaching the Namibian lass for a while, a long while at that, and he just pounced on her like that. Those exercise sessions andshowing off those fine abs will certainly be missed.
Honestly, Sophie was almost consumed by this House. Maybe it’s her petite frame but she was almost forgotten at times. However, that could also pass as a smart move though considering that not every Emerald had to be over the top lest they blow their cover. The lil’ Ugandan had a way with the guys and she really came out during their smoking sessions outside. A rebel with a cause indeed. She played the mysterious girl role. It would’ve been nice to see her execute her plan to Chase Melvin though.
Which Chasemates do you think will be most disappointed, relieved, excited and angry that it was all just a prank? Tell us why.


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