Breaking News: Big Bimp Booted!

bimbooRuby resident Bimp‘s Chase has sadly ended today after he was Evicted from the show after 84 days filled with mixed emotions.
Bimp has generally enjoyed his Chase and has also kept a cool head towards his fellow Housemates. Even when his buddy and ‘brother from another mother’ Nando was disqualified, he didn’t confront Elikem who was part of the altercation that led to the Tanzanian’s immature exit but rather told him how he felt and the two gents talked things over.
Prior to his Eviction, host IK told all the nominated Housemates to head to the Rendezvous room. He was the first one to get the boot and was not allowed to head back to the house to bid farewell to the others, he only had 10 seconds to exit.
Bimp’s boot means that Ethiopia is officially out of the Chase after Betty, another Ethiopian got Evicted after a month on the show.
You definitely fought a good battle Bimp, all the best for the future!


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