Unleashing Your Personal Power for Success in the New Year

Every year we start out with personal goals and things that we want to accomplish only to be disappointed at the end of it. It happens more often than we believe. And it’s usually after a couple of months that we believe we’re going to change and then nothing has. So we give up. I don’t know if that’s happened to you. Though, if it has, join the club. You are perfectly normal.

Now is the time to make real changes. It’s time to stop being normal and start being who you were meant to be. Inside each one of us is a special power that will enable us to go further than we ever believed we could. You have that. It was there when you were born and then it got squashed as you started to grow up. Other normal people may have told you to stop being so different. They may have indicated to you that you should conform.

Heck, I still hear that from family and friends. We get covered by so much junk in our thoughts that we’re simply spewing out the thoughts of those that influenced us when we were growing up. Now is the time to make changes and get back to your birthright. You were born for a purpose and it may not be what you are doing now.

What if you could unleash your personal power that will enable you to become more successful? Would you do it? Well, I’m going to give you a few pointers on how to do just that.

  • Everything that happens to you started with a cause. This is known as cause and effect. Each action you take started with a cause. If you make a decision to do something and it turns out to be not what you wanted to happen, it’s simply was the cause that created the effect. Our thoughts also will lead us to do certain actions. Thoughts always lead to behavior.
  • Start accepting responsibility for your own life. This is where developing your personal power starts. Too many people have abdicated their power to others. I’ve seen it in so many workers that they falsely believe they are entitled to certain things or that the government is going to take care of them. There is no power in that way of thinking.
  • Change your thoughts to success thinking. Fully believe in your heart that you are already a person of success. That is the difference between someone who is truly successful and another person who never achieves anything. If you were to take all the money away from a self-made millionaire, guess what? They’d have it back within a short period of time and probably more.
  • Start doing more things, even if those things don’t turn out the way you wanted. Just like cause and effect, you will learn what doesn’t work and what does. You remember the story of Thomas Edison and his struggle to create a light bulb that would eventually work. He tested different gases and filaments until he found the right combination. He simply failed thousands of times to achieve success.
  • Stop being normal and start using your special gifts. For it will be in what you are the most passionate about and in your strengths where you’ll find success. Make your strengths stronger. Stop focusing on your weaknesses. We all have strengths, use them more often. When you try to make your weaknesses stronger, you’ll simply hinder your true abilities.
These are simply a few pointers that you can use right away that may very well help you to get to success. Most important is for you to take action. Without action, nothing is ever achieved.
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