BBA's Millicent Interview

Pulse: What was your most embarrassing, ever, moment on set?
Pulse: What was your most embarrassing, ever, moment on set?
Millicent: Wow! A wardrobe malfunction. We were shooting The Team and I happened to play the role of a goalkeeper. As cameras started rolling, my trouser split loudly right at the middle. The cameras still rolled on!
P: What does the mention of Meryl Steep remind you of?
M: The Oscars; immense talent, authenticity and classic acting.
P: Which role best suits Serah Ndanu in Me, My Wife and Her Guru?
M: She would fit the character Esther, the one I played. She is that good. She is innocent looking, sort of naÔve girl who would easily bow and fall deep for her master.

P: Imagining Big Brother Africa was a TV drama series revolving around catfights and girls battling for the Big Brother hunk, do you think Serah’s charm would see her through?
M: Like I said, Serah looks like a softie and not the catfight sort of bitchy woman. She would be the first one to give up and probably cry her way away.
P: Asked how rugged was the priest, Serah said…
M: Jesus Son of God! So is reincarnation this real? This must be a classical from the old cross.
P: Between Her Guru and The Rugged Priest whom would she likely fall for and why?
M: Her Guru. She has this comic eyes and flattering smile that would get the Guru smitten on the spot. Give it to her.
P: As an actress, what do you think Serah’s biggest physical asset is?
M: Unlike me who is endowed from my legs and you know what else (hehehehe), I think the Kamba in her is a real advantage. She is a ka-yellow yellow with adorable legs.
P: Given two roles, one of an alien from outer space and a dinosaur from pre-historical world, which one do you think can suit Serah better?
M: A dinosaur. It’s this simple, she is this timid girl who would take up the opportunity to boost her ego and self esteem. Alien roles are reserved for hard-cores like me.
P: If you were to pick a hubby for Serah between Denzel Washington and Will Smith, whom would you pick?
M: Denzel. I think she needs a serious man to get the real groove out of her. I mean, I think she is still learning the ropes of romance. Smith looks a bit too rough and would scare the hell out of her.
P:In her ‘next life’ , Serah will be a…
M: A house pet (hehehehe). A pussycat, to be precise.
P: On a scale of one to ten, how do you think Serah would score in a movie where she is meant to make up with another girl?
M: That is unthinkable for her. Plain zero! She wouldn’t venture into a girl thing even in a mere dream. But am sure, she would give me a nine for it.
Millicent Mugadi is a former Big Brother Amplified Kenyan representative and Best Supporting Actress Kalasha Awards winner.
Pulse: What was your most embarrassing, ever, moment on set?
Serah: Do you really want to hear this? Well, there was this time in Nairobi Law, a particular scene I was doing, this guy had a fling on me and I was meant to put him off. I was a no nonsense chic, and in the event of shrugging him off, one of the heels on my shoe came off, the scene was a wide shot. I had to balance on my other toe so as not to look awkward. Everybody practically noticed when the episode was aired. I got all sorts of criticism that evening.
P: What does the mention of Meryl Steep remind you of?
S: Elegance, versatility and talent. Period! I still can’t get enough of her in The Devil Wears Prada and Mama Mia.
P: Which role do you think could suit Millicent if she was to star in The Rugged Priest?
S: She would probably be one of the rape victims. The chic can scream her lungs out!
P: Suppose Big Brother Africa was a TV drama series revolving around catfights by girls eying the Big Brother hunk, do you think Millicent’s wit would see her through?
S: Well, basing my argument on what I saw of her on Big Brother, I totally don’t think so. I think she is reserved and a crying baby (oops!) Her emotions will make her jump off a cliff or black out on the railway line, which is not an ideal strategy.
P: Asked how Rugged was the priest, Millie said…
S: Am breathless…(pat…pat). This is the most amazing, incredible, real life story ever made….
P: Between “Her Guru” and “The Rugged Priest” whom would Millie likely fall for and why?
S: Isn’t it obvious? She will fall for The Rugged Priest. She will die to be part of this amazing success. She will even create a character for herself as the priest’s wife.
P: As an actress, what do you think Millie’s biggest physical asset is?
S: Her weaves! (hehehehe). I wish I were kidding! Besides, her African body will definitely give her a big tick.
P: Given two roles, one of an alien from outer space and dinosaurs from pre-historical world, which one do you think can suit Millie better?
S: She will pass for an alien. She wouldn’t even be auditioned for that, as it would be so obviously hers for the taking!
P: If you were to pick a hubby for Millie between Denzel Washington and Will Smith, whom would you pick?
S: Will Smith. They both have the same level of craziness. Denzel is so cool. Given a dinner date with him, she would bury herself in the menu, as she would never get his swagger.
P: In her ‘next life’, Millie will be a?
S: Mhhh! A movie title and I will be the main character in the movie.
P: On a scale of one to ten, how do you think she would score in a movie where she is meant to make up with another girl?
S: Well, I would actually give her 11. Enough said!
Serah Ndanu bagged the Best Actress of the Year at Kalasha Awards.


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