Wager: Ruby Housemates Decide To Wager 50% In Their First Task.

Big Brother would like Housemates to familiarize themselves with wagering and the task rules.
Firstly;All the basic needs like food, water, Soap etc are freely provided in abundance by Big Brother Himself . But when it comes to the luxury stuff like alcohol, cigarettes , they are availed with strings attached, in fact after working for them.
Every Tuesday of the week Big Brother gives the Housemates a weekly task which determines their shopping voucher for the luxury stuff. Before starting the task, Housemates are asked to decide how much they would like to wager in a certain task and depending on the performance they hope to come up with and later inform Big Brother on their wager.
Biggie’s conditions are; If they wager a certain percentage in a particular task and they successfully complete it,Big Brother gives them their percentage for the luxury stuff and even doubles their Basic needs . But if they lose their wager they lose the luxury stuff and the Bonus for he basic needs, implying that they only get the basic needs but basing on the original Budget.
Today was the introduction to Biggie’s weekly tasks and after reading and fully understanding the task rules,the Ruby Housemates came to an agreement that they should wager 50% as they get used to the tasks.
This implies that if they present their task in a fair way, they will still win their wager and thus the bonus on the basic things.
Do you think that this was a right decision at the start or they would have wagered more than that?
-By: Deogratius09
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