The Chase Starts: Housemates Get Along Quickly,Are They Faking?

getEight Seasons of the entertaining reality TV show have been witnessed and we are always watching to see how Housemates  get along most especially on their first day.
Unlike the previous seasons, the chase has proved to be a bit different as the strangers got to know each other and got along pretty well. But we still wonder whether it’s fake due to Biggie’s call that they had to know each other  before the nominations or it is their personalities.
From both Houses, while doing their Fire task,Housemates tried to raise so many conversations that kept them going through the long active night and getting to know each other more. The entertainers also used this chance to show what they had in their packages and the boredom was chased away.

gertDespite this cozy environment, the Housemates will have to face a tough situation tomorrow as they’ll kick off with their first nomination for possible eviction. In this time, each will be asked to name two Housemates they would like to see evicted out of the House just like all the Big Brother Rules stipulate.
Was  getting along  quickly used as a strategy or the chasers are real with it?…..Well we’ll get to know soon.


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