‘The Game Has Started’,First Nomination .

denzelThe Big Brother game encompasses entertainment, Excitement,fun,emotion,Showmances,Romances, Bromances but what  what makes it a real game are the Nominations and Evictions and today we had to witness the first Nomination in the  chase.
As  the Housemates were still getting acquainted to each other, Big Brother threw a Bomb shell to them that they  had kick off with the game’s first Nominations.
Nominating  your fellow Housemate  the one you have been smiling with a few minutes back, it aint  a good feeling and neither it is for you being on the chopping block therefore, Nomination another fever inducing event in the Big Brother game.
After this bad news of the day landing into their ears, Housemates started running out of words as each saw their stay in the house fading away.
Nigeria’s Beverly was the first to pop into the Diary room for her first Nomination session and others followed up. As expected,Nominating on the first day is and will always be the hardest thing to do in the Big Brother game and so was this.
Giving sufficient reasons,Housemates were required  to nominate two of their fellow Housemates  they wanted to put up for possible eviction. Names could be easy to mention but coming up with the reason satisfying Biggie,was the hardest thing all Housemates faced despite being reminded couple of hours before.
But as stipulated in the Big Brother Rules, Housemates were  left with no other option except putting up their colleagues on the chopping block.
At the end of the nomination sessions, Huddah was towering the nomination followed by Selly, Bassay, Denzel and Hakeem.
This will be the beginning of emotions in he House as Big Brother will reveal the Nomination votes this evening.
-By: Deogratius09


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