News: Denzel Gives His Private Parts To Dillish As A Gift!

In the Housemates’ very first task presentation where they were required to make avatars representing their personalities to give to the people they liked most, Uganda’s Denzel shocked his fellows when he made a d**k as his avatar. He was to give this “cock “to the Housemate he likes most in the House as a gift.
In the explanation of his avatar, Denzel said that he decided to come up with that piece because it clearly portrayed him and his life. He made the penis in its full glory with balls which he called the member’s friends. He said that ;”No matter how far one should go, they shouldn’t forget where they came from and their friends at the bottom even if they are nuts!
“I might also look like a di*k inside but that is another story of me. So I wanna hand this to the lady I like and as I won’t be around coz I might be in the USA chilling with Chris Brown, she can use it to keep herself warm,” He added to his speech.
Now after telling the fellows what he wanted to bring out, they all eagerly waited for that lucky lady who was to walk away with Denzel’s phallus. After the speech he got off the podium as a stupefied Betty stared at he made his way to Namibia’s Dillish who was waiting in shame!
Wow! That implied that Dillish walked away with the full Denzel and we wonder if she is to utilise him fully. These two seem have to have some little chemistry though Dillish denies it saying that they are just good friends….Let’s wait for what will happen next.
What would be Denzel’s score if you were to rate him on a 10 scale?
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