Big Brother Africa Ssn 7 – new twist and requirements!

Brace yourself…If you thought that the new season of Big Brother will be what we are you used to, you are wrong. New developments have been put in place this year.
Firstly unlike in the past, the winners reward is USD 300 000 (so you can multiply that by Sh.86 and get the amount of Ksh you would scoop if you would emerge a winner. Awesome! Right?
Secondly, the producers of Big brother have claimed that the entrants must double –up to compete. This means that you audition as two friends or couples.

Regardless of how the entrants are related to each other the key requirement from BBA is that the entrants must be a pair!
Thirdly, Big Brother Africa this year has added two new countries to participate .They are Sierra Leone and Liberia. The two countries have never been in the show before but this year they will be incorporated in this experience. However, Ethiopia is out of the game and the Big brother producers have announced that Mozambique will take on a new role that they will make known very soon.
The M-Net Africa Managing Director, Biola Alabi said, “We are thrilled to be offering a huge, new, USD 300 000 prize and to include two new countries who were chosen to participate based on their ongoing interest in the series and their growing DSTV audiences. And while Ethiopia won’t have a housemate this year, we’ll look to include them and other non-housemate countries in other ways if the opportunity arises, as we do every season. We are and have always been proudly committed to making this a truly African show. And as for Mozambique, they will be included with a housemate – but that’s all we are saying at the moment!”
Alabi announcement surprised a lot of people and she added,
“The really big news this season is that entrants must enter as pairs. In the past we’ve seen a natural and continuous cross-over between individuals and their families, their friends. So this year, we decided to include that as part of the game. It will definitely make a dramatic addition to the series so we urge people to enter and experience what will be a uniquely different Big Brother Africa!”
Here is the list of countries that are eligible to participate:
Angola, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Reportedly, the series starts on Sunday May 6. It will be screened across the continent in 47 countries, for 91 days on DSTV channel 198.
Big brother Africa representative requirements:
The pair should have all this requirements;1. Must be 21 years old
2. Must be from the countries listed above
3. Must be fluent in English
4. Must have a valid passport
The online entry forms will be available from 5th February and the deadline of the application is February 27, 2012.
If you are interested in participating, you can log onto and fill in an entry form online.
You can also download an entry form from the website, complete and email it back to


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