Singers Prezzo, Jaguar meet Raila

The former Kenyan representative in Big Brother, Prezzo, and his frenemy Jaguar on Thursday met Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
Prezzo, who was the first to meet Raila in the morning, was congratulated for “raising the Kenyan flag high” during the Big Brother competition.  “The Prime Minister is a good patriot and I was really humbled by the fact that he noticed my effort. I however cannot disclose much on the details of our meeting,” Prezzo told Word Is.

The Prime Minister alsocongratulated Prezzo on his twitter handle @Raila Odinga: “Congratulations Prezzo and  thank you for representing Kenya well in Big Brother.” Prezzo said Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta also called to congratulate him. “I could not meet him because he was travelling but we spoke over the phone,” said the 4sho 4shizzle rapper.
Prezzo thanked nominated MP Naomi Shebesh for campaigning for him when he was in the house. Later that day, Jaguar meet with Raila to discuss “matters affecting the youth”. “We had a broad discussion and I told him about problems affecting the music industry; he was very keen about it and I know he will do something to help,” Jaguar said.


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